DPG Hacky Hour 2024 on NOMAD CAMELS (AGI 4.1)

Controlling experiments and recording FAIR data with NOMAD CAMELS

What is it all about?

NOMAD CAMELS (Configurable Application for Measurements, Experiments and Laboratory Systems) is an open-source measurement software that records FAIR and fully self-describing measurement data. It enables the definition of measurement protocols via a graphical user interface without requiring programming knowledge or deeper understanding of instrument communication. Coming from the field of experimental physics, CAMELS provides the flexibility of controlling a large variety of measurement instruments in frequently changing experimental setups. The user-defined measurement protocols are translated into stand-alone executable Python code, providing full transparency of the actual measurement sequences.

This Hacky Hour contribution starts with a brief overview of CAMELS followed by a hands-on session on setting up CAMELS and performing measurements (to follow bring your own laptop if possible).


Please install NOMAD CAMELS on your own laptop (see our installation guide for instructions). For Windows computers, you may simply download and run the NOMAD CAMELS installer. It would be helpful (but not mandatory) to install NOMAD CAMELS before the Hacky Hour.

Materials and exercises for the Hacky Hour

See you in Berlin on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 3pm in room MAR 0.011 for our hands-on Hacky Hour on NOMAD CAMELS!

Further information:

Want to know more about NOMAD CAMELS? We look forward to hearing from you!

Write to lap-nomad-camels@fau.de or start a discussion on GitHub.