FAIRmat Users Meeting in Erlangen

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The fourth FAIRmat Users Meeting will take place on June 13-14, 2024 at the Physics Department of FAU.

All scientists in the field of physics and chemistry of condensed matter are invited to this public workshop about Research Data Management (RDM) concepts and solutions. The program includes talks by RDM experts and researchers who use the NOMAD data infrastructure to manage their research data. It also comprises a series of mini-workshops on RDM best practices and the solutions developed by FAIRmat.

Five focus topics will be presented in consecutive workshops:

  • RDM design for collaborative research centers
  • Getting started with NOMAD and NOMAD Oasis
  • NOMAD Oasis for advanced users
  • Data literacy in the physics curriculum
  • NOMAD CAMELS as an efficient tool for RDM-compliant experiments

The mini-workshops are designed for all levels of users, from beginners to advanced, and include lectures, hands-on exercises, and user experience reports.

Date: June 13-14, 2024
Venue: FAU Physikum, lecture hall F, Staudtstrasse 5, 91058 Erlangen
We will also provide the possibility to participate online.

For more information and registration to the event, visit https://events.fairmat-nfdi.eu/event/16/overview